“That’s a Bummer NYT”: Exploring the Popular Crossword Clue

“That’s a Bummer NYT”: Exploring the Popular Crossword Clue

Crossword puzzles are a beloved pastime for many people around the world. They offer a unique blend of challenge and relaxation, with enthusiasts often spending hours pondering the perfect word to fit a clue. One such clue that has garnered attention recently is “That’s a bummer.”

This particular phrase has been featured in several crossword puzzles, including those from The New York Times (NYT). In this article, we will explore the meaning behind this clue, its usage in crossword puzzles, and its significance in popular culture. We will also provide insights and analyses that go beyond the existing information available online, making this a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in crosswords and the specific phrase “that’s a bummer.”

The Origin of “That’s a Bummer”:

1. Understanding the Phrase:

The phrase “that’s a bummer” is a colloquial expression commonly used in the United States to express disappointment or sympathy for an unfortunate situation. It originated in the 1960s, during the counterculture movement, and has since become a staple in everyday language. The word “bummer” itself is derived from the German word “bummler,” which means “loafer” or “wanderer.” Over time, it evolved to represent a negative or disappointing experience.

2. Use in Everyday Language:

In modern usage, “that’s a bummer” is a casual way of acknowledging someone’s misfortune. For example, if a friend tells you that their plans for the weekend were canceled, you might respond with, “That’s a bummer.” It’s a way of showing empathy without being overly formal or dramatic.

3. Popularity in Crossword Puzzles:

Crossword puzzles often feature common phrases and idioms as clues or answers. The phrase “that’s a bummer” fits well within this context because it is widely recognized and easy to relate to. Its inclusion in puzzles, especially those in prominent publications like The New York Times, has made it a notable clue that crossword enthusiasts may encounter more frequently.

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The NYT Crossword and “That’s a Bummer”:

1. The Role of the New York Times Crossword:

The New York Times Crossword is one of the most prestigious and well-known puzzles in the world. It has been a daily feature in the newspaper since 1942 and has a dedicated following of solvers. The puzzle is known for its clever clues, wordplay, and occasional use of contemporary language and slang. As a result, it is not surprising that a phrase like “that’s a bummer” would appear in the NYT Crossword.

2. Specific Instances of the Clue:

The phrase “that’s a bummer” has appeared in the New York Times Crossword several times, often clued in ways that require solvers to think outside the box. For example, a clue might read “Expression of disappointment” or “Sympathetic response to bad news,” with the answer being “that’s a bummer.” The puzzle constructors use such clues to challenge solvers to consider the nuances of everyday language.

3. Why This Clue Resonates with Solvers:

One reason “that’s a bummer” is a popular clue in crosswords is that it taps into a universal emotion: disappointment. Most people have experienced a situation that didn’t go as planned, and this phrase succinctly captures that feeling. Additionally, because it is a phrase that many people use in their daily lives, it feels familiar and accessible, even to those who may not be seasoned crossword solvers.

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Analyzing the Phrase: What Makes It a Good Crossword Clue?

1. Length and Letter Patterns:

One of the key factors that make “that’s a bummer” an effective crossword clue is its length and letter pattern. In many puzzles, the answer “OH WELL” is a six-letter solution that fits neatly into the grid. The phrase “OH WELL” is a common response to “that’s a bummer,” making it a logical and satisfying answer for solvers. This alignment of clue and answer is crucial in crossword construction, as it ensures that the puzzle is both challenging and solvable.

2. Cultural Relevance:

Crossword puzzles often reflect the language and culture of the time in which they are created. The inclusion of “that’s a bummer” in crosswords speaks to its enduring relevance in American vernacular. It is a phrase that has remained popular over the decades, making it a fitting choice for puzzles that aim to be both current and timeless.

3. The Balance of Difficulty and Accessibility:

Crossword constructors strive to create puzzles that are challenging but not impossible. The phrase “that’s a bummer” strikes a balance between difficulty and accessibility. While it may not be the first phrase that comes to mind for every solver, it is familiar enough that most people will recognize it once they see it. This makes it an ideal clue for puzzles that aim to engage a wide audience.

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1. Beyond Crosswords: The Phrase in Media

The phrase “that’s a bummer” is not limited to crossword puzzles; it has also made appearances in various forms of media, including television, movies, and literature. It is often used in dialogue to convey a character’s disappointment or to add a touch of realism to a conversation. For example, in a TV show, a character might say, “That’s a bummer,” after hearing bad news, adding authenticity to the scene.

2. The Phrase as a Reflection of American Culture:

The continued use of “that’s a bummer” in crosswords and media highlights its role as a reflection of American culture. It represents a laid-back, casual approach to dealing with life’s disappointments, a characteristic often associated with American attitudes. The phrase’s longevity and continued relevance suggest that it resonates with people on a deeper level, making it more than just a passing slang term.

3. Similar Expressions in Other Languages:

While “that’s a bummer” is a distinctly American phrase, other languages have their own equivalents. For example, in Spanish, one might say “¡Qué pena!” (What a pity!), while in French, “C’est dommage” (It’s a shame) serves a similar purpose. These phrases, like “that’s a bummer,” are used to express sympathy and disappointment, demonstrating that this type of expression is universal, even if the words themselves differ.

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FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About “That’s a Bummer”:

1. What Does “That’s a Bummer” Mean?

“That’s a bummer” is an informal expression used to convey disappointment or sympathy for an unfortunate situation. It is often used in casual conversations when someone experiences a minor setback or inconvenience.

2. How Is “That’s a Bummer” Used in Crossword Puzzles?

In crossword puzzles, “that’s a bummer” is often used as a clue for an expression of disappointment. The answer might be “OH WELL” or a similar phrase that captures the sentiment of the clue.

The phrase is popular in crossword puzzles because it is a common expression in everyday language, making it familiar to many solvers. Its length and letter pattern also make it a suitable fit for crossword grids.

4. Has “That’s a Bummer” Appeared in the NYT Crossword?

Yes, “that’s a bummer” has appeared as a clue in the New York Times Crossword. It is typically clued in a way that requires solvers to think about common expressions of disappointment.

5. Are There Other Phrases Similar to “That’s a Bummer” in Crosswords?

Yes, crossword puzzles often feature similar phrases that express disappointment or resignation. Phrases like “OH WELL,” “TOO BAD,” and “WHAT A SHAME” are also commonly used in puzzles.

6. How Can I Improve My Crossword Solving Skills?

To improve your crossword-solving skills, practice regularly and familiarize yourself with common crossword clues and phrases. Paying attention to the length of the answer and any existing letters in the grid can also help you narrow down the possibilities.

7. Where Can I Find NYT Crossword Puzzles?

You can find New York Times Crossword puzzles in the daily newspaper, on the NYT website, or through the NYT Crossword app. There are also several books and collections of past puzzles available for purchase.

8. What Are Some Tips for Solving Difficult Crossword Clues?

If you’re stuck on a difficult clue, try thinking of synonyms or related phrases that might fit the given letters. Sometimes, stepping away from the puzzle and coming back later with fresh eyes can also help.

9. Is “That’s a Bummer” Still a Relevant Phrase Today?

Yes, “that’s a bummer” remains a relevant and commonly used phrase in American English. It is frequently heard in casual conversations and continues to be used in media and crossword puzzles.

10. Can “That’s a Bummer” Be Used in Formal Writing?

“That’s a bummer” is an informal expression, so it is best suited for casual conversations or informal writing. In formal writing, you might opt for a more formal phrase, such as “That’s unfortunate” or “That’s disappointing.”


The phrase “that’s a bummer” is a quintessential example of American slang that has stood the test of time. Its inclusion in the New York Times Crossword and other puzzles speaks to its enduring relevance and familiarity.

Whether you’re a crossword enthusiast or simply interested in the nuances of language, understanding the significance of this phrase offers a glimpse into the cultural and linguistic landscape of the United States. As we have explored in this article, “that’s a bummer” is more than just a crossword clue; it is a reflection of how language evolves and adapts to express the shared experiences of disappointment and empathy.


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